
Website Launching:

WELCOME BACK! As usual every sensible person in this world is welcomed to visit this site. I urge every single person to read my blogs (new & old), to buy my books to know the unknowns, and provide feedback if you can to bolster my solar energy initiatives to make my vision to be very true. Our campaign slogan for all of our green initiatives is 'for Solar, by Solar and to Solar." 10 years ago, solar industry was just evolving, but the industry since its entrance fought tooth and nail against all odds to mark its footprint in the energy department. It was an uphill battle against a century old established ‘status quo’ environment of fossil fuel’s industry. Progress in solar energy hindered in every possible way. Today, general public feel that all solar devices cost is still expensive, so free energy remained beyond reachable to middle class folks. Despite all government incentives for solar energy it is a trending culture for any new initiative before embracing fully. The fact that solar energy is perpetual, and the sun shines for the world is an unstoppable phenomena till our demise (if ever that happens!).Also, everywhere natural objects of this planet are helping human civilization to survive and thrive per human desires. We explored, we invented, and we discovered and finally devised items for our needs. Intelligent men pursued issues with rigorous diligence, hope and courage. They tests, they failed they fix and finally success came. Scientists are now planning to live in Moon and Mars generating energy from sunrays falling on solar panel in space. To invest in energy means to capture, consume and crush more energy. We haunt solar now more than ever before. Cheaper and efficient devices that capture sunrays and modifies it to useful energy to store in a battery to use later are now new normal in these days. Get all the latest information on invention, on discovery and on technology by visit and subscribe to this site.


Check Out Begum Fouzia's Books on Solar Energy

Our Founder

I am a volunteer and advocate for Renewable Energy especially for solar energy propagation. I've taken several initiatives so far. This website’s launching goal now is to make solar more friendlier and cheaper. Behind all of my ingenuity was the glowing wish of transforming my native country Bangladesh to be 100% solarized. Currently, solar is available in limited scope and with full government (IDCOL) support. Since the country has only limited free land Roof Top solar is one best solution. But the country also has enough lakes, rivers and canals, so floating solar panel on water body will be another best solution for this country to become independent from fossil fuel energy is my opinion. Several European countries have already made deals and providing technical, monetary and logistical supports for the country’s running solar projects. I would like to bolster those channels work and expand scopes for to include more areas for panel installations. With roof top solar, all high rise building’s facades, and even front and sides where uninterrupted sunshine has open access should be covered with low cost solar panel in order to generate additional free energy. All solar energy organization’s central credence is: any resident living in any part of this world should have access to free solar energy. It is a hard core truth. If right tools are readily available right on hand on time, 45% of today’s Bangladeshi lives in rural Bangla with no electricity will enjoy energy independent life. They still burn Kerosene (fossil fuel) to lighten their slum houses and for cooking that generates GHG, carbon soot and smoke.. Gradually, solar panel and other solar tools all are getting cheaper, --an overwhelmed number of public engagement with solar energy propagation initiatives will make solar eventually affordable even for farmers in Bangladesh. A positive thinking towards solar is necessary to make all these to happen ultimately the Blue planet be transform to a Greenish planet. Let’s work for our planet, support this site and support my campaign "For solar, By solar, To solar."

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